How do I enroll in the MGMC project? Heading link
To take part in any part of this research study or for more information, please contact our team at, call 312-355-2631.
If you qualify, you will have an equal chance of enrolling in MGMC or continuing your usual prenatal care. All participants will complete surveys six times across pregnancy and postpartum and be compensated for their time.
What happens if I’m randomized into usual care? Heading link
If you are assigned to Group 1, you will attend your individually scheduled prenatal and postpartum visits with a midwife or obstetrician, as usual care, for a total of approximately 10 to 15 prenatal visits and 1 postpartum visit. Visit length ranges from 10 to 45 minutes. You may spend about 11 hours total for all the prenatal and postpartum care group visits.
What is group prenatal care? Heading link
If you are assigned to Group 2, you will have all your prenatal visits (about 11 visits in total) and one postpartum visit with the same two co-facilitators, a Black midwife and a Black care coordinator, along with 8‐12 other Black patients at a similar stage of pregnancy as yours.
In each group visit, you will spend about up to 45 minutes on health assessment activities and a brief individual consultation with the midwife. The remaining part of this group visit will last up to another 90 minutes and will focus on health promotion activities and discussions, such as
educational games and role-plays, to enhance your understanding and promote sharing of experiences.
You may spend about 200 hours total for all the prenatal and postpartum care group visits. After birth you will be offered up to 50 hours of in-home visitation and support with a Black doula.